
Hi all !

Today Im going to give my opinion about differentes subjects that catch my attention. The first one is the fact of doing animal testing. To begin with I would like to make clear that I'm against all type of animal's domination, so I can't believe the fact that as human beings we believe that we are superior to other species, what we believe  gives us the right to decide what destiny is going to have a living being, like an animal or a plant. I think we should ask ourselves as human beings why we think we have  the right to control another body. Personally considering myself a feminist , I can't understand why women who fight against  body and patriarchy , dont  fight  against the domination we make against other species as well . Another issue  that I would like to discuss is the idea of legalizaing the abortion in some cases, from my oint of view i think that as a country we must legalize the abortion in all cases, because we can't make the state decide what  we are going to do with our own body. The third topic that I would like to express  my opinion about having an exotic animal . As I told recently I hate the idea of having the control of some animal, if we think of  that an animal that was used to living  in a specific environment withe his family or the same species as him, and suddenly he is forced to live in a place that can't be adapted ,  can make him a very big damage. The last topic that I would like to discuss is women in the army , and with regard to  this issue  I have two positions, the first one is that I love the idea that gender roles are broken in traditionally masculinized works. The second one is that the army is one of the disciplines that most perpetuates and reproduces the  sexist logic. 

Resultado de imagen para feminismo antiespecista


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